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I’m starting to get the hang of this whole vlog thing.
Anyhoo, I reviewed the Kinky Curly detangling cream. I actually use it for my hair and I really liked it so I tried it on Bo’s hair.
IMHO, I think the Cantu actually worked better. Not sure because it’s actually designed for kids as oppose to Kinky Curly which is designed for everyone.
I also purposely kept this video instead of redoing another because I wanted to show everyone what a typical hair detangling time consists of between Bear and I. He was overly excited because he saw the camera and this kid loves seeing himself on camera. I wouldn’t be surprised if he becomes an actor one day, lol.
About Post Author
Hi, I'm Crystal! Mother of 1 human, 3 cats, and a glorified housewife to a fantastic man. Let's have fun and enjoy life together!